1, 3, 5(10)-ESTRATRIEN-3, 17β-DIOL


1, 3, 5(10)-ESTRATRIEN-3, 17β-DIOL

from $20.00

Catalogue ID E0950-000

CAS 50-28-2

CH Groups C18 H24

Deuterated? No

Formula C18 H24 O2

Light Sensitive? No

Melting Point 174-175˚C

Min. Quantity (grams) 0.5

Molecular Weight 272.38

Refrigerate? No

Restricted Compound? No

Rotation +80˚ Diox

TLC Homogeneous

Type Estrone Type

Trivial Name 17β-ESTRADIOL
E 2

Pricing $20.00/5mg



$30.00/g (1g)

$17.00/g (5g)

$14.00/g (25g)

Notice Prices subject to change. Specific or Bulk Quantities Available Upon Request.

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CAS 50-28-2, 1 3 5(10)-ESTRATRIEN-3 17β-DIOL from Steraloids. A female sex hormone, it is also known as 17B-estradiol, or E2. It is a form of estrogen and is the predominant sex hormone in females. It is also present in males. It is constantly being produced by males. It is produced 3 out of the 30 day cycle in females. It is the major estrogen in humans. During the reproductive years, most estradiol is produced by the granulosa cells of the ovaries. Smaller amounts of estradiol are produced by the adrenal cortex, and in men by the testes. Estradiol is also produced in the brain and in arterial walls. It has a critical impact on reproductive and sexual functioning. It also affects other organs including the bones.

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